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2014-01-06 13:37:13 来源:艺术家提供作者:鲁虹






  The Hybrid painting

  Thoughts after watching NanFang's recent works

  Lu Hong

  In recent years, as an artist, Nanfang has always taken his son, xiaoyu, as the protagonist in the painting. If in the previous stage, he has expressed his unique feelings towards happiness by use of the child as motif. Then, it should be said that he expresses the multi-angle understanding to the complex human nature by use child as his motif. As a result the complex and complicated humanity are skillfully integrated into the child's innocence… By this kind of processing, the audience can understand the deep meaning through the superficial picture in the context of the premise of their own life experiences.

  The time we live in has been called the "digital age", which will also make the phenomenon of "mechanical reproduction" become increasingly serious. Judged from Nanfang's works, we can see he not only searches for new elements from the changes of the times, but also sticks to the hand-crafted values. It should be said that is the effective insistence of humanity for he stresses on artistic expression of consistence between mind and hand. He has become more and more conscious to abandon the appearance of the photo and turn to the pursuit of the nature of painting. Undoubtedly, this kind technique has changed the photographic images into a painterly, metaphoric and poetic picture with appropriate aesthetic distance from the reality. Of course, what's more important is Nanfang has connected personal feelings with current historic event together very well to create a new type of painting with strong subjective to come close to the viewers. As for the pursuit of painting nature, according to my understanding, due to Nanfang's free and open mind, he boldly combine the elements of Western expressionism paintings, traditional folk paintings, and cartoon drawing skillfully, which give his latest works with the bright colors, relaxed style and exaggerated forms. On the other hand, his works maintains good relations between the East and West cultures, between tradition and modernity, between the elegance and popularity. It should be said that's the reason I call NanFang's latest works hybrid paintings. Compared with the previous works, these latest works has higher artistic values and personal character.

  Kuspit, one of U.S. contemporary art theorists, has published one book with the name of "The end of Art". In this book, he strongly rebuked the so-called theory of 'The End of Art'. According to him, the post modern art over emphasized the expression of ideas but ignored the form of art itself after Cezanne. The trend has largely widened the distance between art and the general public, but also endangered the status of art itself. The contemporary artist should pay extra attention to the art techniques as well as their older generations in order to change the degeneration states of post-art, and then bring it back to new vitality adapting to times. I guess, in Nanfang's deep heart, he must agree with kuspit's opinion. If not, he would not reread the mastery works of Caravaggio, Cornwall Ya, Shamsuddin for nutrition. I still remember Mr. Li Xianting once wrote an article, titled "The important thing is not art" several years ago. This article becomes extremely valuable and reasonable with such impacts when many artists are not concerned about the expression of artistic ideas and human's existence situation.

  Today, as contemporary ideas has been accepted by many artists, "The important thing is art" is reasonable supplement for them. It means negation of negation and led Nanfang put the artistic expression on a very important position.

  Wish Nanfang create better works in artistic creation!

  January  22, 2010 in Shenzhen Art Museum





